
Another -50- 葬仪屋

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周大师 我爱你!

Master Chau, did I say I love you? because I love you! Thank you for making me all destiel&cockles trash!!!


suggsygirl, tumblr


Osric Fuels Cockles

I was at Asylum 15 at the weekend and during Osric’s panel he was asked whether he thinks there’ll be any Destiel moments in season 11. It is markedly different in England when Destiel questions are asked because nobody boos and everyone just accepts that it’s a part of the show even if they don’t ship it. Anyway Osric said yes he was sure there would be because most of them aren’t written. He said it’s difficult to know what is written and what is just as a result of Misha and Jensen being really close friends. He said that they always look at each other like that in real life, off set too. Make of that what you will, Tumblr!
